Young Ringers Association
St Martin
Sunday, 10 August 2014 in 3h 49 (39–1–19)
5016 Spliced Sixteen (2m)
(2m: 4992 Yorkshire S, 24 Little Bob, 5com)
Composed by M P A Wilby arr J H Potter
1 Edward R Mack
2 Jonathan H Potter (C)
3 Michael R Crockett
4 Katharine A Hill
5 Heather M Forster
6 Simon Read
7 Alex W Tatlow
8 Ryan S Noble
9 Adam R Crocker
10 Andrew J Rawlinson
11 Timothy E S Holmes
12 Daniel Jones
13 Andrew M Hills
14 Thomas B Mack
15 Nicholas D Brown
16 Thomas J Waterson
First on 16: 1,2,3,5,6,7,8,10,11,12,13,14,15,16.
Believed to be the youngest band to ring a peal on sixteen, average age: 22 & 2 months.
Foolish Youths and Substantial Rewards