Dordrecht Society of Change Ringers
't Klockhuys
Sunday, 27 October 2024 in 2h 17 (1–2–7 in G)
5056 Bristol Surprise Major
1 Andrew B Mills
2 Alex S Riley (C)
3 Thirza R de Kok
4 Jack E Page
5 Ian K Bushell
6 Daniel J Page
7 Harm Jan A de Kok
8 Alan Regin
Peal 10.
Start: 2136. Finish: 2353.
This peal marks the successful completion of 10 peals in a day for the ringers of 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Best wishes to Mike Trimm for a return to full health, and thanks to Thirza for stepping in for the final three peals.
Ringing time: 22h 14.
Changes: 50,462.
1, 6, 7: With this peal, circled the tower to peals during the day.
8: 150th peal on the bells.
Grateful thanks to the de Koks for their support throughout the weekend.

This performance is linked to the event Dordrecht Society of Change Ringers — Dordrecht Challenge - 2024

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