St Nicolas
Sunday, 18 October 1987 (15–3–12 in E)
1299 Grandsire Doubles
1 Ann Lee
2 John Watson
3 Eric Brown
4 Tom Monk
5 Peter Chapman (C)
6 Albert H Wiseman
First in Method - 2 & 3.
First in Method as Conductor - 5.
John Watson is one of the senior members of the Witham band coming to the village about 5 years ago from Herts. He likes Grandsire and has been learning bobs and singles for a good few years. Although he had to have a triple bypass operation last year he asked if he could ring a quarter for his Ruby Wedding. This was completed in candlelight (appropriately as it was St. Luke's Day) as there was no power in the church.
Ruby Wedding compliment for Eileen and John Watson for Healing Festival Evensong.
Also welcome to Father David Howell, guest at the church.
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