St Mary
Saturday, 6 May 2023 in 2h 44 (8–2–6 in G)
5040 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Graham A Cane
2 Luca G Greenslade
3 Harry E Cane
4 Stuart A Aitken
5 John A Mayle
6 Francesco P Greenslade (C)
First Peal (at first attempt) - 2 (aged 14) and 6 (aged 16)
First of Minor - 3
Rung prior to the coronation of His Majesty King Charles III at Westminster Abbey this day.
Dedicated to Michael R Etherington (1938 - 2018).
This peal included a first peal ringer on bells 2 and 6.
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This performance is linked to the event Coronation of King Charles III

See other ringing linked to the Coronation of King Charles III event in the same county, diocese or for the same association.

See all short touches, quarter peals or peals linked to the Coronation of King Charles III event.

This performance was rung In memoriam — Michael R Etherington