The Society for the Archdeaconry of stafford
St Bertoline
Saturday, 26 November 1966 in 2h 58 (13–1–14 in E)
5040 Double Norwich Court Bob Major
1 Richard B Dorrington
2 Hilary F Pardoe
3 Philip R Johnson
4 Elizabeth Timmins
5 F Hector Bennett
6 Gordon H Lane
7 Clive M Smith
8 Philip G K Davies (C)
25th peal: 1
First peal in the method: 2,3,4,7
First in method as conductor
A farewell to the Rev. J R Butterworth, on the eve of leaving the parish to take up the living of Madeley, Staffs
Ringing World December 30th 1966 No. 2906 Vol. LXII page 861