Cathedral Church of St Paul
Sunday, 5 August 2012 in 3h 57 (61–2–12)
5007 Stedman Cinques
Composed by S Coaker
1 Susan L Apter (C)
2 Ann White
3 Elizabeth A Orme
4 Shirley E McGill
5 Mary E Holden
6 Catherine N Merlane
7 Gwen Rogers
8 Eleanor J Linford
9 Rebecca J Cox
10 Gabrielle L Cowcill
11 Claire F Roulstone
12 Pauline C Champion
  Margaret Whiteley
Rung during the women's Olympic marathon.
In loving memory of Alison Regan who was due to ring in this peal.

This performance is linked to the event London 2012 Olympics

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