St Lawrence
Wednesday, 19 April 2023 in 3m (7–3–24 in A)
120 (redacted) Doubles
1 Natasha A Williams (Alcuin) (C)
2 Jemima Bleackley (Halifax)
3 James D Austin (Derwent)
4 Simon W Edwards (Alcuin)
5 William J Lake (Langwith)
6 Joss Davis (Alcuin)
Rung after a successful YCG Practice
The variation 868jp (Primrose Bob with Gloster Extremes) is rung for the first time.
The ringer of the 4th would like to extend hugs and kisses to Patrick Deakin.
First variation: 2, 3, 5
With thanks to Kevin D Atkinson for letting us overrun a little bit.
The band would like to associate Rosemary S Hall and William M Regan (Friend) with this performance.
Matthew O Hall does not wish to be associated with this performance. "I've rung enough stupid doubles things with you lot".