Cathedral and Metropolitical Church of St Peter
Saturday, 1 December 2018 in 4h 15 (59–1–23 in B♭)
5040 Plain Bob Caters
1 Gail Cater
2 Tina R Stoecklin
3 Alex S Riley
4 Ewan G A Hull
5 Andrew I Blacklock
6 David G Hull (C)
7 Simon J Gay
8 John M Thurman
9 Nicholas D Brown
10 Julia R Cater
500th peal: 9.
This is the heaviest bell to be rung to a peal by a woman single-handed.
Remembering Alison Regan, who should have been the first woman to ring this bell to a peal single-handed.
With thanks to Gail Cater for standing in at virtually no notice, and with best wishes to her for her forthcoming 75th birthday.
Foolish Youths and Substantial Rewards