Bacton, Suffolk
2 Pretyman Avenue
Monday, 9 July 2012 in 1h 50 (16B)
5040 Spliced Surprise Minor (41m)
41m: 288 Durham, Carlisle, 216 Warkworth, Ipswich, Whitley, Munden, Chester, 192 London, 144 Surfleet, Kelso, Westminster, Wearmouth, Annable's London, Rossendale, Northumberland, Stamford, Lincoln, Allendale, Cambridge, Coldstream, Beverley, 96 Wells, 72 Cunecastre, Lightfoot, Sandiacre, Hexham, Norfolk, Westminster, Wooler, Bourne, Primrose, Netherseale, York, Berwick, Hull, Bamborough, Bacup, 48 Alnwick, Canterbury, 24 Newcastle, Morpeth. 209 c.o.m., change of 'backwork' every lead, bobs only.
1–2 Cherril C Spiller
3–4 Jeremy W Spiller (C)
5–6 Louis P H Suggett
Believed to be the first peal "in-hand" of the standard 41 with a change of backwork every lead.
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