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This page is for taking out or renewing an individual subscription to The Ringing World. We also offer tower subscriptions.

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Special offer: New subscribers under the age of 25 who are not resident at another subscriber’s address will receive £15 off their first year’s subscription (online or postal) by entering UNDER25 in the discount code box, below.

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  • You do not need to have a PayPal account to pay online — you can use a credit or debit card.
  • Individual subscribers to the paper get free access to the online edition.
  • Online-only subscriptions are not available for Guild, Tower or other corporate subscriptions.
  • Owing to processing times please allow two working days before your online account is activated. You will receive a welcome email giving important information about your account once your order has been processed.
  • For renewals we will assume you require continuity and will supply any missed issues, unless you specifically contact us to instruct otherwise.