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API documentation
Incomplete documentation for the BellBoard API.
All featured performances
List of all featured performances.
All towers
Generate and view performance statistics for all towers.
Composition prover
Online composition prover.
Contents search
Search the tables of contents of past issues of The Ringing World.
Custom RSS feeds
How you can create a custom RSS feed from a search.
Diary search
Search the BellBoard diary.
Doubles variations
List and details of different doubles variations.
Frequently asked questions
Common questions that people have about using BellBoard and their answers.
Leading methods
Generate and view league tables of the most rung methods.
Leading ringers
Generate and view league tables of leading ringers.
Leading towers
Generate and view league tables of towers with the greatest number of performances.
Leading venues
Generate and view league tables of venues with the greatest number of performances.
List memoriæ
Collections of performances rung in memory
Machine-proved compositions
List of all compositions which have machine proved.
Method details
Search for different methods and view their details.
Most liked performances ever
List of the most liked performances of all time.
Performance reports
Generate reports of performances matching given search criteria.
Performances by score
List of BellBoard performances ordered by their computed score.
Performances not sent to print
List of all of your performances which haven't been sent to print.
Popular dates
Search which days of the year peals or other performances have been rung on.
Search help
Help using BellBoard searches.
Stage analysis
Analyse performances by their stage.
Year analysis
Analyse the performances in a year.
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The Ringing World
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