Issue 5849 (02/06/2023) contents

Title Author Page
On the cover - St Nicholas, East Grafton, Wiltshire Sarah Carreck 566
The Future of The Ringing World - Survey results Elva Ainsworth 567
Couch to 41 - the first North American peal of 41 Spliced Surprise Minor Leland Reimer 568
Letters to the Editor 570
The Guild of Clerical Ringers head for West Suffolk Jon Rose 571
Les Townsend is 90 Jim Benner 571
Peal Reports 572
Quarter Peal Reports 574
Bell Sunday at Sidmouth Anne Bailey and Sue King 576
Middlesex 8-bell striking contest Tom Lawrance 576
Obituary – Ian Thompson Jane Mellor 577
Obituary - Hamish McNaughton Margaret Sherwood 578
400 years of Saffron Walden’s Great Ringing Day Rachel Arnold 580
Notices 581
Anniversary of a pandemic wedding Murray-Luke Peard 582
Trio of the month 583
Doubles of the month 583
Thought for the week Anthony Ellis 583
Four quarters and a wedding Andrew Christie 583
The image of the week - Hattie Bird with Ringing World Dave Bird 584
Striking with a difference David Richards 584
Woodbridge Ringers Spring Ring 2023 Bruce Wakefield 584

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