Issue 5825 (16/12/2022) contents

Merry Christmas! Our last issue of 2022 is a Christmas bumper issue filled with festive treats. We hope you enjoy it!

Title Author Page
On the Cover (St Giles in the Fields, London) Ruth Darton and Tom Lawrance 1176
Letters to the Editor 1177
Ringing for Public Events 2023 John Harrison 1178
Last Call for the ART Awards Last Call for the ART Awards 1178
Out of Ideas? (Three RW 2023 Projects) 1179
Coming together to make it ring Paul Ashe 1180
How did 2022 really go? 1181
The Education Column - Seasonal Christmas Variations David Smith 1186
Don’t waste my time Philip Gorrod 1188
Have a jolly ringing Christmas Chris Ridley 1190
CC President’s Yule Blog Simon Linford 1191
Festive fun in Hampshire Rachael Barber 1192
Whittington: The man, the chime and the change Richard A Smith 1193
Onwards from Star Street David Cawley 1199
New RW advertising pricing (lower!) 1203
Re-evaluating Hudson’s courses Colin J Wyld 1204
Christmas Greetings 1206
The first peal at Llanbedr Colin A Lewis 1208
Congratulations to Ron East 1209
What’s Hot on BellBoard 1210
Peal Reports 1210
SRCY 275th Anniversary dinner Sam Cave 1210
Quarter Peal Reports 1216
Date touches for 2023 Central Council T&T Workgroup 1227
Peals at St Mary Long Crendon John Eisel 1228
Obituary - William Haynes 1231
Obituary - Ian Taylor 1231
Obituary - Mary Guy 1232
1,000 Bell pub crawl 2022 update Chris Hutchinson 1234
Notices 1236
Wrapped up warm in Llandovery Anne Bunker 1236
Ladies Guild NW District meeting Allison Devine 1237
The mother of invention Wendy Crampton 1237
Thought for the week Jenny Holden 1239
Minor Jottings on Christmas bells Mary Jones 1239
Down the Pub A J Barnfield 1239
Beer Matters Maximus Bibendus 1338

If you notice any missing articles or mistakes in this table, please submit a correction.