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Webinar - Sunday 8th Dec

Meet the author - Gareth Davies

Based on his recent book, Foolish Youths & Substantial Rewards, Gareth will give a short online talk about the activities of the Cambridge ringers over 300 years and why the study of this one town is relevant to the history of bellringing across the country. Learn fun facts about prominent ringers of their day and how reasons for ringing have changed over time.

Following the presentation there will be an opportunity for questions.

Whether you’ve bought a copy already or want to hear more about Gareth’s research into how ringing has changed over three hundred years, come along for a fascinating evening with Gareth!

Book now to attend for free!

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This week's issue

The Ringing World issue 5927

Purchase PDF version of issue 5927 (29 Nov 2024).
Also available in high resolution.
View the contents of this issue.

Other highly rated performances

16 Nov 2024Cheltenham (Minster Church of St Mary)5042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
30 Nov 2024Ston Easton (Blessed Virgin Mary)18720 Spliced Treble Dodging Minor (147m)
1 Dec 2024Hampstead (Christ Church)5152 Spliced Surprise Major (23m)
17 Nov 2024Milton (St Blaise)5024 Lessness Surprise Major

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